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Planning Board Minutes 2009/10/01
OCTOBER 1, 2009

Present: Allan Davis, Vice Chairman; Bruce Jennings; Daniel Schneider; Robert Stanley; Peter White; Philip Porter, Alternate; Derek Tatlock, alternate; Emma Smith, ex-officio member; Michael Marquise, town planner.
Also present: Martha & Glen Field; Sherwood Moody; Janet Correra; Jennie Lamanuzzi; Arthur Porter; Catherine Porter; Shaun Carroll Jr.; Sean Moynihan; Mike Trojano; Wayne Palmer; Ed Bailey; Tim Fleury; Patricia Halpin; Doug Gamsby; Karen Atwood.
Absent: Peggy Chalmers, Chairman, Nick Kontoes, alternate.

Vice Chairman Davis called the meeting to order at 7:03.
Vice Chairman Davis appointed Mr. Tatlock to vote for Chairman Chalmers.
Change to minutes of September 1: No changes, minutes unanimously approved as presented.
MAP 133 LOT 28 Minor subdivision/annexation, Glen & Martha Field, 15 Garnet Street.
Mr. Marquise stated that the application was not complete as the full details of the survey plan were not included.  The case will be continued to the next meeting pending submission of the survey.  Motion made by Mr. Stanley, seconded by Mr. Tatlock to continue the case to the next meeting.  The motion passed unanimously.
MAP 130 LOT 34 Site plan review, flood lighting at Sunapee Middle High School soccer field, SAU #85, North Road.
Mr. Marquise stated that the application is complete.  A motion was made by Mr. Stanley to accept the site plan as complete, seconded by Ms. Smith.  The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Carroll stated that the school would like to install eight 1000 watt flood lights on four existing poles on the perimeter of the field.  The lights are primarily for soccer games; the lights will not be strong enough for softball games.  The lights would be targeting the field and there will be a lock box on the light controls so only the school administration will have access to the lights.
Mr. Carroll stated that the soccer schedule is fairly light; the number of home games per year requiring lights would be six or less.  Principal Moynihan anticipated the lights would be out on game nights by 9 p.m.  
Mr. Jennings asked if the lights would be used for other functions.  Mr. Carroll said it would be a possibility in rare occasions.  It was suggested the hours of operation be extended to 10 p.m.
Tim Fleury, 39 North Road, lives directly across from the field.  He stated that all lights will be visible from their house.  He presented pictures of the tree cutting which took place around the edge of the field.  Mr. Fleury encouraged some limitation on the hours of operation.  He would also like restrictions on night time and weekend use and limitation of outside groups.  Mr. Fleury inquired about a vegetative buffer in order to block some of the light.  He is concerned that the installation of the lights will increase activity at the field.
Patricia Halpin, 39 North Road, stated she does not think the lights are needed at all.  She suggested more trees could be planted to replace those which were cut.
Mr. Schneider inquired if the school would be willing to work with the Fleurys to ensure that the lights are not shining in their house.   Mr. Carroll replied in the affirmative.
Mr. White suggested a solid screen behind the net on the North Road side to block light from shining into the Fleury residence.  Mr. Carroll stated he was amenable to working with the Fleurys.
Mr. Stanley made a motion to allow placement of eight flood lights on four poles, to be used by the high school soccer teams and to be turned off one-half hour after the last whistle and not later than 10 p.m., from August 1-November 30, with the condition that the lights be focused down so as not to spill onto North Road, seconded by Mr. Schneider.  The motion passed unanimously.    
MAP 129 LOT 43 Statement of property usage, occupational therapy center, Sunapee Center 8G and 8H Soo Nipi Circle
Mr. Marquise stated that there are no application requirements.  Sherwood Moody of Oakwood Park Inc., a subsidiarity of Claremont Savings Bank, was present.  Oakwood Park Inc. owns the property.  Ms. Correra stated that her business would service special needs patients, mostly children, and would have some workshops and education in relation to special needs.  She stated that there would be a maximum of twenty people in that space for a workshop.  There would be, at most, three patients at a time.  Her business services four or five children a day with one or two therapists.  Mr. Stanley stated he does not see parking as a problem.
Mr. Maquise stated that it is a different use than envisioned and inquired if the board felt there need be a hearing to create a different use.  The board felt this was a less intense use and as such did not require a public hearing.
Ms. Lamanuzzi, owner of JL Hair Design located in Sunapee Center, inquired about parking when there is a workshop.  Mr. Moody stated there is adequate parking for twenty cars.
Mr. Stanley made a motion to approve the use of the site as an occupational therapy center, seconded by Mr. Schneider.  The motion passed unanimously.
MAP 148 LOT 48 Minor subdivision/annexation, estate of Raymond Teague Sr., 2 lot subdivision, 102 Edgemont Road.
Catherine Porter, executor of Mr. Teague’s estate, was present.  Mr. Marquise stated the application is complete.  Mr. Tatlock made a motion to accept the application as complete, seconded by Mr. White.  The motion passed unanimously.
Surveyor Wayne McCutcheon described the piece that the Porters are requesting be annexed.  The additional piece would allow the Porter’s entire driveway to be on their own property.
Mr. Stanley made a motion to add the proposed 1.4 acres to the Porter property subject to the addition of setback lines on the plans, seconded by Ms. Smith.  The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40.
Respectfully submitted,
Katie Richardson

____________________________________________  ________________________________________
Allan Davis                                                   Bruce Jennings

____________________________________________  ________________________________________
Daniel Schneider                                        Robert Stanley

Peter White